The Legend of Cassidy Bell and the Grinding Stones

MaLode first encountered Cassidy Bell back in the 20th Century, before many of our younger boaters were born, and long before the internet, cellphones or personal computers. Imagine a time in which attention spans averaged over 20 minutes, as opposed to today’s average of 23 seconds. Yes indeed, it was a different time. Yet it […]

Rafting Whitewater- What to bring to the American River!

Many of our guests ask what to bring when rafting whitewater here on the American River at the Mother Lode River Center. To help out – we’ve put together a list of the things you definitely do not want to forget! Waterproof camera– this may be the last bastion of the cheap, disposable waterproof camera! […]

What are Whitewater Classes?

Whitewater Classes   If you’re looking to book a whitewater rafting trip, you have probably seen a class designation associated with these trips. Whitewater rapids range from class I to class V, but what does that mean? The whitewater classification system is used as a guide to understand the difficulty of a rapid. The classification […]

California Whitewater Rapid Classification Guide

Class II, III, IV … what does it all mean? If you aren’t familiar with California’s whitewater rapid classification system, you aren’t alone! You may have heard a river guide refer to a certain rapid as a “class three”, or have read online that a certain river is a “class IV run”. Here’s an easy […]

What to bring on your American River rafting trip.

Once you have your awesome crew, the next thing to ask is………. What should I bring on my American River rafting trip? Whitewater rafting is a fun and exciting sport! Being properly prepared can make sure the day is enjoyable and leaves you fulfilled and happy when you lay down that night, not just tired […]

10 Things To Add To Your Overnight Bag

Many of our guests ask for packing tips for an overnight trip here at the River Center. To help out – we’ve put together a list of the things you definitely do not want forget! Waterproof camera– one of those cheap disposable ones work great! No need to bring along your fancy SLR, chances are […]

50th Anniversary Ropes Rafting

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